








石巻工房は、「メイド・イン・ローカル」プロジェクトとしてミュンヘン市を拠点とする SCHATZLと特別なコラボレーションを展開いたします。SCHATZLは、もう既にベルリン市にいるパートナー HLZFR. GmbHさんと協力して、ミュンヘン市の工房でローカルな材料を使用し、Studio AdjectiveがデザインしたTRIPODAL STOOLのローカルバージョンを製作します。ドイツのババリア地方の樹種(パイン材またはモミの木)を使用する予定です。⁣


デンマークの家具ブランドMENUにより、石巻工房の次の「メイド・イン・ローカル」プロジェクトが誕生。トラフ建築設計事務所がデザインしたAA STOOLをデンマーク産のダグラスファー材・フラットパック式として提供いたします。スカンディナヴィア専売となります。


国際交流基金から紹介された、フィリピンで活躍する写真家Jar Concengco氏と妻のKay氏は、石巻工房のストーリーとデザインに強い関心を寄せていました。2人は現地で石巻工房の比較的小さな製品を輸入販売することを目的に家具会社「Lamana」を立ち上げましたが、石巻工房に現地で製品をつくる構想があることを知ると、挑戦したいと願うようになりました。彼らは小さな工房をつくり、石巻工房で使っているような道具と機材を揃え、チークやラーチなどの材料で、石巻工房のデザインによる家具を2018年より製作しています。



2013年にパリで行われた国際見本市「メゾン・エ・オブジェ」で、石巻工房の創設者・芦沢啓治と、ロンドンを拠点とし家具の製作販売を行うSCPの創設者・Sheridan Coakley氏が出会ったことから、石巻工房の国際的な知名度を高めたパートナーシップが生まれました。当初SCPは、石巻工房の家具をイギリスに輸入し販売していましたが、製品の需要が高まるにつれて「メイド・イン・ローカル」を検討するようになりました。2017年からSCPはノーフォーク市にある工場で、石巻工房で用いているウェスタンレッドシダーを使い、製品を現地で製作しています。


建築家やエンジニア、大工などで構成されるHLZFR. GmbHは、2018年にトラフ建築設計事務所に連絡し、ヨーロッパの市場に向けてベルリンで「AA STOOL」を製造し販売することを提案しました。トラフから石巻工房へとつながったHLZFR.は、「メイド・イン・ローカル」プロジェクトを通して他の製品も生産することを検討しています。


アメリカ・デトロイト市と次の一歩がはじまります。石巻工房はこれからデトロイト市にあるものづくりの学校Brightmoor Maker Space(BMS)と「メイド・イン・ローカル」プロジェクトを進めていきます。2017年から互いのまちづくり団体やローカルベンチャーと共に、アメリカ・ミシガン大学の学生や先生たちと活動してまいりました。その経緯からデトロイトを拠点としたBMSとは、ノウハウ・経験・文化の交流を通じ、親しいパートナーを築きました。
Brightmoor Maker Space




シンガポールを拠点とする、家具とライフスタイルブランド『KERNEL Furniture』と新しい「メイド・イン・ローカル」プロジェクトを展開いたします。KERNELは、全ての家庭に良いデザインを取り入れることを目指し、オリジナル商品や弊社の商品を少しずつ開発していく予定です。「メイド・イン・ローカル」のパートナーとして、地元のニヤトー材とパイン材を使用し、シンガポールで石巻工房の商品を製作します。また日本製の商品も輸入する予定ですまた日本製の商品も輸入する予定です。
KERNEL Furniture

「石巻工房 by Karimoku」

「メイド・イン・ローカル」からインスパイアされ、立ち上げられた新しいブランドが「石巻工房 by Karimoku」です。石巻工房とカリモクという2つのブランドそれぞれの成り立ちとユニークな個性を尊重しつつ、互いのさらなるイノベーションを促進することを目指しています。日本最大の木製家具メーカーであるカリモクは、高度な製造技術を持ち、多種多様な樹種の国産材を責任ある立場で調達しています。それによって、石巻工房は従来のデザインイメージを再考することができるようになりました。
石巻工房 by Karimoku





Collaborating with international makers to share the essence of our craft,
born out of our own local experience in Ishinomaki, Japan

The Made in Local initiative started as a simple desire to somehow bring Ishinomaki Lab’s designs and story to a local context, and has since grown to encompass a more thorough relationship with people (local makers and market), place (locally-available materials), and product.
Made in Local projects are currently located in London, Manila, Berlin, Detroit, Busan (South Korea), Singapore, Munich, Mexico, and Scandinavia. Additionally, inspired by Made in Local, Ishinomaki Lab is also working on domestic collaborations in Japan.
Ishinomaki Lab aims to further develop Made in Local projects with the hope that more communities can be invigorated by good design.

SCHATZL is a studio based in Munich, Germany. In collaboration with our existing Made in Local partner in Berlin HLZFR. GmbH, SCHATZL will be exclusively producing the award-winning TRIPODAL STOOL designed by Hong Kong-based Studio Adjective in Munich for the German market. The stool will be built in local craft tradition from regionally sourced raw materials. It is currently available in either alpine stone pine or fir harvested in the Bavarian Forest.⁣

Bucle is a design studio based in Guadalajara that produces their own original works as well, and is very active in the local design and maker community. Products will be initially made with Western red cedar with an oil finish, as well as other customized options.

In partnership with MENU, the iconic AA STOOL designed by TORAFU ARCHITECTS will be produced in Denmark from locally grown Danish Douglas fir and offered in flat pack form, exclusively for sale in the Scandinavian region.


Introduced by a partner at the Japan Foundation, Manila, photographer Jar Concengco and his wife Kay Concengco were touched by Ishinomaki Laboratory’s story and the designs that embodied it. The couple launched Lamana initially intending on only importing the products for retail but were inspired to take on the challenge of Made in Local themselves. Opening a small workshop and utilizing much of the same machinery and tools used in Ishinomaki, Lamana is now producing Ishinomaki Laboratory designs with different types of wood species such as Southeast Asian teak and European larch.

“Our appreciation for Ishinomaki Lab products led us to initiate talks of bringing them to the Philippines. The sheer minimalism of the pieces drew us in from the first day. Once we got to feel them, see them in person and try them, we knew right away they were well-designed.
The brand works with distinguished designers from all over the world. The simplified and the uncluttered spaces that the Japanese are known for are becoming popular here in the Philippines. Through Made in Local, we are offering the market a Japanese designer brand at a good price point as they are already made right here in our country.”



From Ishinomaki Laboratory founder Keiji Ashizawa and SCP founder Sheridan Coakley’s chance 2013 meeting at Maison et Objet, a partnership that helped boost Ishinomaki Laboratory’s international profile was born. A manufacturer and retailer of modern furniture, SCP sold Ishinomaki Laboratory products to customers in the United Kingdom, and as demand for the products rose, so did serious considerations for local production. Since 2017, SCP has made its iterations of Ishinomaki Laboratory products at its factory in Norfolk, choosing to produce them with the same Western red cedar used in Ishinomaki.


HLZFR. GmbH are architects, engineers, and professionally-trained carpenters and joiners. Discussions began in early 2018 when HLZFR. contacted TORAFU ARCHITECTS to discuss potential production of the AA STOOL frame in Berlin for the European market. In addition to the AA STOOL, HLZFR. is also exploring the development of other Ishinomaki Laboratory products.
To suit local needs, HLZFR. uses local varieties of spruce and Douglas fir. The collaboration is uniquely positioned to have a positive social impact in potentially training local community members.


In this next chapter of our relationship with Detroit, Ishinomaki Laboratory is excited to announce a Made in Local partnership with the Brightmoor Maker Space. Since 2017, Ishinomaki Laboratory has been engaging with students and faculty from the University of Michigan as a part of the Ishinomaki-Detroit Collaborative, a transnational alliance of community-based ventures and non-profits in Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture and Detroit, Michigan. As our Detroit-based counterpart, the Brightmoor Maker Space became a close partner in an annual exchange of technical know-how, experiences, and cultures.
A bit different from our other Made in Local partnerships, Ishinomaki Laboratory will not be collecting any design or brand licensing fees from the Brightmoor Maker Space; rather, our focus will be on supporting the training of a new generation of woodworkers as they learn production and business skills through the manufacturing and promotion of our designs. Products will initially be made with pine wood and made available for sale in the Detroit Metropolitan Area.
Brightmoor Maker Space


Connecting Ishinomaki with Busan, South Korea, we are excited to collaborate with Tabletimes in launching their new furniture brand TAEZBOX. The brand seeks to present furniture that improves one’s everyday lifestyle while emphasizing responsible use of wood. In an effort to be sustainable and efficient, a team of skilled craftsmen use small-batch production methods to produce not only our Made in Local products, but original designs as well. Tabletimes also specializes in providing products for rental and event purposes. The simplicity and versatility of our furniture lend to their usability in a variety of situations, and we hope that the Korean community will enjoy using our products. Products are currently made using Western red cedar.


KERNEL Furniture is a new furniture and lifestyle brand based in Singapore that aims to put good design in every home. As part of our Made in Local collaboration, the brand will be utilizing locally-available woods such as pine and the indigenous nyatoh to produce our products in Singapore for the local market. Select products will also be imported from our Ishinomaki-based workshop in Japan.
KERNEL Furniture

“Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku”

Inspired by the Made in Local initiative, this new brand between Karimoku and Ishinomaki Laboratory seeks to pay tribute to each other’s origins and unique character while sparking further mutual innovation. As Japan’s largest maker of wooden furniture, Karimoku lends advanced manufacturing techniques and an ability to responsibility source a wide variety of domestic wood species for a reimagining of classic designs from Ishinomaki Laboratory.
Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku